Portfolio Builder for Asset Allocation

  Try managing your own asset portfolio. It's crucial to divide your investment capital among various assets. When you invest, some assets may rise in value while others may fall. By setting asset allocation ratios through rebalancing, you can buy additional units of assets that have decreased in value during low periods and potentially sell assets that have increased in value at opportune moments. Therefore, diversifying your investments is recommended, as it tends to be more stable and profitable in practice than calculating theoretical returns.

  The basic portfolio below is what Warren Buffett advised in his will. He instructed his wife to invest 90% of their assets in the S&P 500 index fund and 10% in U.S. Treasury bonds when he passed away. You should also create your own portfolio that suits your needs.

1. Create List for Asset Allocation

Please enter the assets to include in your portfolio. The portfolio results will appear below.

2. Portfolio Asset Allocation Results

Check how your portfolio changes over time based on the assets you have configured above. We hope your financial freedom.

Investment Period
inflation rate
capital gains tax
Portfolio Result
Current NaN% return to $0.00 of assets.
    If you stop increasing your assets and use only the annual return,
    • You can spend $0.00 per year.
    • You can spend $0.00 per month.
    • You can spend $0.00 per day.
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